/** * Saves all selected primary terms. * * @param int $post_id Post ID to save primary terms for. * * @return void */`fals/** * Deletes primary terms for a post. * * @param int $post_id The post to delete the terms of. * * @return void */find_byp`y( $post_id, $main_taxonomy, false ); if ( $primary_term ) { return $primary_term->term_id; } return \get_post_meta( $post_id, WP ix . . $m, true ); } /** * Removes the primary category. * * @param int $post_id The post id to set r. * @param string $main_taxonomy Name of the taxonomy that is set to be the primary one. * * @return void */ private function remoh/** * The search engines discouraged presenter. * * @var Search_Engines_Discouraged_Presenter */scouraged-watcher.php false );k/** * Add the search engines discouraged notification if it does not exist yet. * * @return void */uraged-watcher.php 'primaryr/** * Returns an instance of the notification. * * @return Yoast_Notification The notification to show. */ic function build_pos``E` if ( $t``s_exclud`` { reAVU\`= $this-`[`ind_by_i`D, '`if (x`instanceof Indexable ) { $this->indexable_hierarchy_builder->build( $indexable ); } } } `.spa`lien-augsburg.de/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/presenters/admin/search-engines-discouraged-presenter.phpXdispatcher->dispatch($loginEvent, SecurityEvents::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN); } if (null !== $this->logger) { $this->logger->debug('Populated the token storage with a remember-me token.'); } } catch (AuthenticationException $e) { if (null !== $this->logger) { $this->logger->warning( 'The token storage was not populated with remember-me token as the' .' AuthenticationManager rejected the AuthenticationToken returned' .' by the RememberMeServices.', ['exception' => $e] ); } $this->rememberMeServices->loginFail($request, $e); if (!$this->catchExceptions) { throw $e; } } } } An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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