ĢByPrintable($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByCustomTpl($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByProtected($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByGroups($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByGuests($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByCssID($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findBySpace($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByPublished($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByStart($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findByStop($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findMultipleByIds($var, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findBy($col, $val, array $opt=array()) * @method static Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null findAll(array $opt=array()) * * @method static integer countById($id, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByPid($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countBySorting($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByTstamp($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByTitle($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByAlias($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByAuthor($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByInColumn($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByKeywords($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByShowTeaser($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByTeaserCssID($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByTeaser($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByPrintable($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByCustomTpl($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByProtected($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByGroups($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByGuests($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByCssID($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countBySpace($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByPublished($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByStart($val, array $opt=array()) * @method static integer countByStop($val, array $opt=array()) */ class ArticleModel extends Model { /** * Table name * @var string */ protected static $strTable = 'tl_article'; /** * Find an article by its ID or alias and its page * * @param mixed $varId The numeric ID or alias name * @param integer $intPid The page ID * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return ArticleModel|null The model or null if there is no article */ public static function findByIdOrAliasAndPid($varId, $intPid, array $arrOptions=array()) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrColumns = !preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*$/', $varId) ? array("BINARY $t.alias=?") : array("$t.id=?"); $arrValues = array($varId); if ($intPid) { $arrColumns[] = "$t.pid=?"; $arrValues[] = $intPid; } return static::findOneBy($arrColumns, $arrValues, $arrOptions); } /** * Find a published article by its ID or alias and its page * * @param mixed $varId The numeric ID or alias name * @param integer $intPid The page ID * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return ArticleModel|null The model or null if there is no article */ public static function findPublishedByIdOrAliasAndPid($varId, $intPid, array $arrOptions=array()) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrColumns = !preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*$/', $varId) ? array("BINARY $t.alias=?") : array("$t.id=?"); $arrValues = array($varId); if ($intPid) { $arrColumns[] = "$t.pid=?"; $arrValues[] = $intPid; } if (!static::isPreviewMode($arrOptions)) { $time = Date::floorToMinute(); $arrColumns[] = "$t.published='1' AND ($t.start='' OR $t.start<=$time) AND ($t.stop='' OR $t.stop>$time)"; } return static::findOneBy($arrColumns, $arrValues, $arrOptions); } /** * Find a published article by its ID * * @param integer $intId The article ID * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return ArticleModel|null The model or null if there is no published article */ public static function findPublishedById($intId, array $arrOptions=array()) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrColumns = array("$t.id=?"); if (!static::isPreviewMode($arrOptions)) { $time = Date::floorToMinute(); $arrColumns[] = "$t.published='1' AND ($t.start='' OR $t.start<=$time) AND ($t.stop='' OR $t.stop>$time)"; } return static::findOneBy($arrColumns, $intId, $arrOptions); } /** * Find all published articles by their parent ID and column * * @param integer $intPid The page ID * @param string $strColumn The column name * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null A collection of models or null if there are no articles in the given column */ public static function findPublishedByPidAndColumn($intPid, $strColumn, array $arrOptions=array()) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrColumns = array("$t.pid=? AND $t.inColumn=?"); $arrValues = array($intPid, $strColumn); if (!static::isPreviewMode($arrOptions)) { $time = Date::floorToMinute(); $arrColumns[] = "$t.published='1' AND ($t.start='' OR $t.start<=$time) AND ($t.stop='' OR $t.stop>$time)"; } if (!isset($arrOptions['order'])) { $arrOptions['order'] = "$t.sorting"; } return static::findBy($arrColumns, $arrValues, $arrOptions); } /** * Find all published articles with teaser by their parent ID * * @param integer $intPid The page ID * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null A collection of models or null if there are no articles in the given column */ public static function findPublishedWithTeaserByPid($intPid, array $arrOptions=array()) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrColumns = array("$t.pid=? AND $t.showTeaser=1"); if (!static::isPreviewMode($arrOptions)) { $time = Date::floorToMinute(); $arrColumns[] = "$t.published='1' AND ($t.start='' OR $t.start<=$time) AND ($t.stop='' OR $t.stop>$time)"; } if (!isset($arrOptions['order'])) { $arrOptions['order'] = "$t.sorting"; } return static::findBy($arrColumns, $intPid, $arrOptions); } /** * Find all published articles with teaser by their parent ID and column * * @param integer $intPid The page ID * @param string $strColumn The column name * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return Collection|ArticleModel[]|ArticleModel|null A collection of models or null if there are no articles in the given column */ public static function findPublishedWithTeaserByPidAndColumn($intPid, $strColumn, array $arrOptions=array()) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrColumns = array("$t.pid=? AND $t.inColumn=? AND $t.showTeaser=1"); $arrValues = array($intPid, $strColumn); if (!static::isPreviewMode($arrOptions)) { $time = Date::floorToMinute(); $arrColumns[] = "$t.published='1' AND ($t.start='' OR $t.start<=$time) AND ($t.stop='' OR $t.stop>$time)"; } if (!isset($arrOptions['order'])) { $arrOptions['order'] = "$t.sorting"; } return static::findBy($arrColumns, $arrValues, $arrOptions); } } class_alias(ArticleModel::class, 'ArticleModel'); An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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